The request came from an actual client working on a multi-week design sprint. They needed fast insights into the area of ‘co-learning’; meaning, collaborative learning spaces where entities partner up to create unique educational offerings. Our client was based in Southeast Asia and wanted to scope the inquiry to that region, but also requested to see examples globally.

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<aside> 📔 Check Minerva University to get insights about their education model. We also listed Minerva as one of the companies to check in the section “Startups” below.


The future of education or just hype? The rise of Minerva, the world's most selective university

In 2012 Nelson founded the Minerva Project, a venture-backed Silicon Valley startup, with the aim of revolutionizing higher education. It partnered with the Keck Graduate Institute to create Minerva Schools at KGI, a non-profit university program headquartered in San Francisco.

Startups, series A&B, focusing on learning spaces

1: Minerva University

Minerva University | Minerva University

(…) the lack of a campus is a draw for some students. “At Minerva, you live in the heart of a city, in seven different countries,” he says. “There’s no campus cafeteria, or bar, or gym – your gym is the gym at the end of the road. Instead, you live as an adult in a city. You learn to be a global citizen.”

The Scientific Method: The World As Your Lab - Chemistry | Minerva University

(…) “Many campuses are now realising the importance of flexible online learning, flipped classrooms, and interdisciplinary programmes” “There will always be a place for the campus, and for in-person teaching.

2: CoLearn, Indonesia



Target users:

Model: physical learning spaces, moved to hybrid during pandemic

Funding: raised ~10M in series A

<aside> 💡 CoLearn started its offline in business in 2018, before shifting to a hybrid model. Once the pandemic hit, the company decided to go fully online. Even after schools reopen, the team anticipates that most students will prefer the convenience of online afterschool learning because going to brick-and-mortar tutoring centers can eat up hours of their time each day, Saboo said. [Source TechCrunch]
