


Overall, 54% of Americans say artificial intelligence programs that generate text and images, like ChatGPT and DALL-E, need to credit the sources they rely on to produce their responses. A much smaller share (14%) says the programs don’t need to credit sources, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. About a third say they’re not sure on this question.

How we did this

A separate Pew Research Center analysis finds growing public engagement with ChatGPT – one of the most well-known examples of generative AI – especially among young people.

Generative AI programs work by reviewing large amounts of information, such as the works of an artist or news organization. That allows them to generate responses when users ask questions.

This process has spurred lawsuits from authors, artists and news organizations, who argue that this is an unauthorized use of copyrighted material. But some technology companies argue that this is fair use under copyright law and that the programs provide a clear public benefit.

Our survey finds that the public consistently says AI programs should credit sources across seven examples of content they could generate.

For instance, 75% say AI programs should have to credit the sources they rely on if they provide information that matches what a journalist wrote nearly word-for-word. Just 6% say they shouldn’t have to credit their sources in this scenario, while 19% say they’re not sure.

Majorities of U.S. adults (67% each) also see a need for crediting sources if AI programs generate images that imitate the style of a current artist or text that imitates the style of a current author.

Whether an author is living or dead has little impact on public attitudes: 65% say credit is needed if AI programs imitate the writing style of a famous author who died many years ago.

Similarly, about six-in-ten say generative AI programs should have to credit the sources they rely on if they draft a movie script in the style of a popular movie. Hollywood screenwriters recently secured limits on using AI in script writing, as part of a larger labor agreement.

The view that credit is needed also extends to more general types of information. For instance, 60% of Americans say AI programs should have to credit the sources they use if they summarize information about the U.S. population. And 61% say credit is needed if these programs provide information that was reported by many different news organizations.

How often do Americans think they interact with AI?